Schiller is making an impact and continuous improvements in Online Teaching.
First school in Ghaziabad to start Online classes using latest technology.
Revision and examination are successfully taken online using secure and user friendly software.
Continuous checking of copy work and home work online via latest software.
New Technology and Training
Schiller is long known for its continuous technological upgrades and well trained faculty. As soon as the locked down was imposed, our school took more than just the required steps to shift school teaching from offline to online. New Softwares were introduced instantly. Teachers were given rigorous & special trainings.
Parents and students were given training by sharing video recordings and were provided access to the new softwares.
With all the efforts & latest technology, we became the first school in Ghaziabad to provide Online Classes and take examinations successfully.
Introducing 'Hybrid' Teaching
We have converted our Smart Classrooms to Ultra-Smart Classrooms that now gives our teachers the capability of teaching both types of students (at home and in class physically) simultaneously.